Overcoming Imposter Syndrome with Neuroscience & Psychology

Imposter No More: A Neuroscience-Based System for Permanently Overcoming Imposter Syndrome

Do you ever feel like you're not good enough or worry that you're going to be exposed as a fraud?

Do you doubt your abilities despite having evidence of success and achievements?

Do you set relatively high standards for yourself and fear failure?

Do you discount your achievements and minimize/downplay them as luck or external factors out of your control rather than acknowledging they derive from you skills, talents, abilities and effort?

Do you overwork or feel like you need to work harder than everyone else to prove yourself and your worth?

Do you wish you could relax and enjoy your success, but fear that if you relax you won't be successful?

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome through Neuroscience

Imposter Syndrome is a form of anxiety many successful people are prone to in which there’s a direct correlation between the amount of success one earns, and feeling like a “fraud” or as if they don’t deserve their success and that they will be "found out" any minute.

I have studied Imposter Syndrome, (IP), intensely through my career and curated a variety of proven neuroscience-based techniques that reprogram the brain to no longer be negatively impacted by Impostor Syndrome.

In module one you’ll learn how to expand your self-awareness so you can release all of the conscious and subconscious thoughts and patterns that are holding you back. You will also learn techniques that remove the negative emotional charge of self-doubt, fear and anxiety.

In module two you will learn Cognitive Behavioral Techniques (CBT) and other forms of neurological reprogramming so that you can discontinue identifying as someone who has imposter syndrome, feels self doubt, or lacks confidence. You’ll begin to rewire your brain to become someone who naturally radiates confidence while continuously enjoying success in every area of your life.

In module three learn how to calm and regulate your nervous system, as well as neutralize imposter syndrome in real time so you can stay in the present moment.

In module four you’ll learn the science behind “the how” of truly overcoming imposter syndrome. It will go over more neurological reprogramming tools that literally rewire your brain for unwavering confidence and success. You’ll also learn how to implement and integrate these highly effective neurological reprogramming tools in order to maintain your success and continue to thrive!

My Clients go from being CONTROLLED and DRAINED by Imposter Syndrome to:

Knowing how to identify Imposter Syndrome before it can cause a problem

Being able to enjoy their work and success derived from their accomplishments

Having improved mental and physical health due to learning how to be, or quickly return, to a consistently calm and confident state

Transmuting the negative thoughts and emotions Impostor Syndrome can cause into useful and productive energy, thoughts and behaviors

“Learn how to have unwavering confidence and thrive while living in your greatness"

The New Neuroscience-Based Four Part System

Now Available in an Online Program

  • Learn how to rewire your brain for consistent success while remaining in a calm peaceful state

  • Learn exact root of your Impostor Syndrome to neutralize its effects on you

  • Learn scientifically proven techniques of regulating your nervous system to mitigate stress responses produced from Impostor Syndrome

  • Learn how to integrate Cognitive Behavioral Techniques effectively for instant results

  • Consistently feel calm and confident through neurological reprogramming tools and propriety psychology and neuroscience-based techniques.

  • Learn how to identify Impostor Syndrome before it can cause a problem

  • Be able to fully enjoy your work, success and life

  • Quickly improve your mental and physical health

  • Transmute the negative thoughts and emotions into useful and productive energy, thoughts and behaviors

  • LIFETIME ACCESS plus ALL updates as they are added for no extra charge

BONUS: Vagus Nerve Regulation

BONUS: The Best Breathing Techniques for Regulating the Nervous System

BONUS: The 5 Questions Technique

Before $354

Limited Time for $97


Is Imposter Syndrome more common in men or women?

Imposter Syndrome is equally common in both men and women. When Imposter Syndrome was initially named and became a popular area of study, researchers initially thought it was more common in women because women were more willing to openly discuss their experience with imposter syndrome whereas men are less willing to speak about their experience openly.

This course and my coaching have successfully helped both men and women overcome Imposter Syndrome.

How long does the course take?

This is a self-paced course for you to take at your convenience. I made each module as concise as possible to respect your time and get you the fastest results. No module is longer than 20 minutes and the corresponding exercises that go with each module should take no longer than 30 minutes (some exercises are done throughout the day while you're doing other things like the dishes or going for a walk).

It is recommended that you do one module per week to fully integrate the material into your mind and to keep a good consistent pace. At this pace you'll have completed the course in one month or less with a completely new mindset and confidence!

What if I have questions while I'm taking the course?

As with all of my courses, I make myself available for any questions my course students may have. The fastest and preferred way to reach me is to DM me on Instagram: @MentalHealthHacker

If you don't have instagram, you can email me at: LaurenClaytonTotalHealth@gmail.com

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